17 Nov
foto pre manual sharvan

Removing the saddle

Unscrew the screw from the bottom.
17 Nov
foto pre manual sharvan

Front wheel removal

Unscrew the main wheel hub bolt (it holds really tight) Unscrew the screws from the brake caliper and mudguard Remove the mudguard first and then the wheel
17 Nov
foto pre manual sharvan

Removing the side covers

Move the seatpost clamp upwards. Alternatively, loosen and pull the seatpost clamp upwards. Unscrew the 8 screws holding the side covers Remove the right and left side cover
17 Nov
foto pre manual sharvan

Removing the handlebars

Loosen the quick release pin, unscrew the screw Be aware that handlebars remains connected to the bike by the brake cables and shifter. Note: If the brake levers and shifter needs to be changed, the grips must be removed/torn off.
17 Nov
shifter with arrow


Shifter is on the handlebars and it is connected with rear wheel by a Bowden cable which is attached to the bicycle frame (it is visible after removing the side cover). It ends in a hub with a gearbox – Shimano Nexus 7.
17 Nov
foto pre manual sharvan

Rear wheel-hub

We recommend to entrust the replacement/service to professionals.
17 Nov
foto pre manual sharvan


The brake levers continue through the brake cable, which is attached together with the shifting bowden in the bike’s basic frame (the grooves are visible after removing the side cover). One brake cable goes to the front wheel caliper and the other to the rear...
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17 Nov
foto pre manual sharvan

Cables inside a bike frame

When installing the covers, the cables needs to be reinserted into the grooves on the frame
17 Nov
foto pre manual sharvan

Releasing/Removing the steering rod and front fork

The steering rod contains a locking mechanism. Loosen the joint with the red lever and unscrew the exposed bolt. Caution! When reassembling, do not overtorque – this bolt puts pressure on the head assembly bearings and may damage them. The same care is required when...
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17 Nov
foto pre manual sharvan

Removing the front fork joint with the locking mechanism

Remove the front joint Remove the SEEGER Lock Washer Pull out the pin Gently push the pin down and outwards We recommend to lubricate the unlocking joint and the prism with a light coat of grease
17 Nov
foto pre manual sharvan

Removing the front cover

Unscrew the 4 screws. (The screw in the top left is harder to remove, it may get stuck). 2 screws (upper right + lower left – to the cross) are enough for the cover. 4 screws are required if the bag holder is used.
17 Nov
foto pre manual sharvan

Removing the rear wheel

Remove the axle nut cap Remove the drive belt from the tensioner. The belt cannot be removed at this stage! The tension pulley that pushes the belt against the rear freewheel can be unscrewed. When removing the rear wheel, remember the order in which the...
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17 Nov
foto pre manual sharvan-61

Removing the belt

Loosen the belt from the tensioner Unscrew the tensioner (not necessary when servicing the rear wheel): The tensioner does not have to go out (like this) when replacing the belt. Just unscrew the tension pulley – see previous note. Skill is required when reassembling the...
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17 Nov
Final advice

Final advice

Each bolt and nut must be tightened with the same torque that held it in place when removed. That is, some more and some less. Especially sensitive are the moving parts (head assembly) and threads made from plastic or aluminium. There is a risk of...
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17 Nov


This repair manual explains how to disassemble and repair Sharvan bike.
16 Oct

FDS Eco Luggage RG

The disassembly guide of the Eco Luggage shows how simple it would be to exchange any of the Components.
16 Oct
Take off the bag and the straps (C001, C002, C003, C004, C005, C012)

Take off the bag and the straps (C001, C002, C003, C004, C005, C012)

Remove the Carabiner (C012) Remove the strap (C004) with the buckle (C005) Open the bag and separate the front (C001), back (C003) and side (C002) fabric parts Note: If the strap becomes damaged, the buckle can be reused with a new strap by cutting the damaged...
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16 Oct
Unscrew the wheels: right + left (C013, C014, C011-2x  )

Unscrew the wheels: right + left (C013, C014, C011-2x )

Use the tool to remove the wheels by screwing in the direction against clock, until the screw (C011) becomes unlocked Note: If the inside (C014) or the outside (C013) part of the wheel becomes damaged, separate the two parts by presing firmly into the inside...
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16 Oct
Unscrew the base part: right + left (C006-2x  , C011-2x)

Unscrew the base part: right + left (C006-2x , C011-2x)

Use the tools to remove the the upper bamboo structure (C006), connected by the handle, by screwing in the direction against clock, until the screw (C011) becomes unlocked
16 Oct
Unscrew the base part: front + back (C006-4x, C011-8x, C008-2x, C010-2x)

Unscrew the base part: front + back (C006-4x, C011-8x, C008-2x, C010-2x)

Use the tools to remove the screws (C011) to separate the base part of the bamboo structure (C006), Junctions multiple – 4 entries (C008) and the Junctions L (C010), by screwing in the direction against clock, until the screw becomes unlocked
16 Oct
Unscrew the handle and the handle support (C007, C006-3x, C011-4x, C010-2x)

Unscrew the handle and the handle support (C007, C006-3x, C011-4x, C010-2x)

Use the tools to remove the screws (C011) to separate the handle (C007), the handle support part of the bamboo structure (C006) and the Junctions T (C009), by screwing in the direction against clock, until the screw becomes unlocked
11 Sep
JRK Premium 650 RG

JRK Premium 650 RG

The assembly and disassembly of the JRK Premium composter is very easy and smart. Follow these simple steps. No tools are needed.   Note: This is a standard repair guide valid for Premium 650, Premium 800, Premium 1050, Premium 1400 and Premium 2000.
11 Sep

Removal of the bolt to separate lids (C005)

Pull out the bolt to free the clips on both sides.
11 Sep

Removal of 1st (opening) lid (C001)

As the clips are free and the bolts are outside, you can separate the 1st (opening) lid.
11 Sep

Removal of the poles (C004) that hold the 2nd (fixed) lid & the lid (C001)

Pull up all 4 poles that holds the lid one after another and free the (fixed) lid. Now you can remove the 2nd lid.
11 Sep

Removal of clips (C006)

Push the clip down to remove it.
11 Sep

Removal of rest of the poles (C005)

Pull up all 4 poles one after another.
11 Sep

Separate the walls (C002, C003)

As the pole is outside, you can separate the wall. Separate all the walls.
11 Sep


The disassembly is now finished.
09 Jan

Re-assembly sequence

You can re-assemble the product following the steps in reverse order.
06 Sep
JRK Premium 215 RG

JRK Premium 215 RG

The assembly and disassembly of the JRK Premium composter is very easy and smart. Follow these simple steps. No tools are needed.   Note: This is a standard repair guide valid for Premium 215, Premium 335 and Premium 445.
06 Sep

Removal of lid (C001)

Push the lid and the O pole apart. Then do the same on the other side of the lid.
06 Sep

Removal of pole (C004, C005)

Pull up all 4 poles one after another.
06 Sep

Separate the walls (C002, C003)

As the pole is outside, you can separate the wall. Separate all the walls.
06 Sep


The disassembly is now finished.